For Design of Metallic Piping, Tubing, and Pipelines
Get a set of calculators for piping design.
- Calculators per ASME B31.3-2024, Process Piping:
- Allowable Pressures and Leak Testing of Pipe & Tube
- Required Thicknesses of Pipe & Tube
- Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connections (two files):
- One file allows design of individual branches and can check for overlapping reinforcement zones.
- Another file has a table w/ up to 190 branches.
- Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Pipe Branch, para. 304.3.4
- Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Tapping Split Tee (Welded, Complete Encirclement)
- Pipe Bending Required Thickness and Allowable Pressure
- Mitered Elbow Required Thickness and Allowable Pressure
- Integrally Reinforced Branch Outlet Fitting (ref. MSS SP-97)
- Line Blanks, Line Spacers, Spectacle Blinds (Fig-8's), and Restricting Orifices.
- Properties of Piping Materials (Dimensions, stresses, Young's modulus, thermal expansion, weights, UNS numbers)
- Hydrostatic and Pneumatic Leak Testing, Dimensional Properties, and Testing Data Sheet
- Chapter IX High Pressure -- Allowable Pressures of Pipe & Tube
- Chapter IX High Pressure -- Required Thicknesses of Pipe & Tube
- Chapter IX High Pressure -- Extruded Outlets
- Calculators per ASME B31.1-2022, Power Piping:
- Allowable Pressures of Pipe & Tube
- Hydrostatic and Pneumatic Leak Test Pressures
- Required Thicknesses of Pipe & Tube
- Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connections (two files)
- One file allows design of individual branches and can check for overlapping reinforcement zones.
- Another file has a table w/ up to 190 branches.
- Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Pipe Branch
- Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Tapping Split Tee (Welded, Complete Encirclement)
- Pipe Bending Required Thickness and Allowable Pressure
- Mitered Elbow Required Thickness and Allowable Pressures
- Steam Safety Valve Installations (Discharge reactions, pressures, velocities, stress intensification factors)
- Properties of Piping Materials (Dimensions, stresses, Young's modulus, thermal expansion, weights, UNS numbers)
- Calculators per ASME B31.4-2022, Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries:
- Required Thicknesses of Pipe & Tube
- Allowable Pressures of Pipe & Tube
- Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connections (for Internal Pressures. Calculates 2 branches side-by-side, and reinforcement zones may overlap.)
- Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Pipe Branch
- Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Tapping Split Tee (Welded, Complete Encirclement)
- Integrally Reinforced Branch Outlet Fitting (ref. MSS SP-97)
- Pipe Bending Required Thickness and Allowable Pressure (ref. B31.3 method)
- Calculators per ASME B31.5-2019, Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components:
- Allowable Pressures of Pipe & Tube
- Required Thicknesses of Pipe & Tube
- Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connections (two files)
- One file allows design of individual branches and can check for overlapping reinforcement zones.
- Another file has a table w/ up to 190 branches.
- Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Pipe Branch
- Calculators per ASME B31.8-2022, Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems:
- Required Thicknesses of Pipe & Tube
- Allowable Pressures of Pipe & Tube
- Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connections --Types are: Unreinforced, Repad, Complete Encirclement, or Saddle (Angled 45 to 90-degrees. For internal pressures. Calculates 2 branches side-by-side, and reinforcement zones may overlap.)
- Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Pipeline Header or Tee (Calculates 2 branches side-by-side, and reinforcement zones may overlap.)
- Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Tapping Split Tee (Welded, Complete Encirclement)
- Integrally Reinforced Branch Outlet Fitting (ref. MSS SP-97)
- Fracture Control and Arrest (Charpy Testing)
- Calculators per ASME B31.9-2020, Building Services Piping:
- Required Thicknesses of Pipe & Tube
- Allowable Pressures of Pipe & Tube
- Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connections --Types are: Unreinforced, Repad, Complete Encirclement, or Saddle (Angled 45 to 90-degrees. For internal pressures. Calculates 2 branches side-by-side, and reinforcement zones may overlap.)
- SIF Calculations per ASME B31J -2017, Stress Intensification Factors (i-Factors), Flexibility Factors (k-Factors), and Their Determination for Metallic Piping Components (with 11-9-2017 errata)
- Bonus Miscellaneous Non-Code:
- Support Span, Shoe Bearing, Pipe Weights (including refractory lined & plastic lined)
- Jacketed Pipe Weight and Data Calculations
- Jacketed Pipe Theoretical Column Buckling
- Theoretical External Collapsing Pressure (not per ASME)
- 3-D Offset and Triangle Dimension Calcs
- Expansion Joint Data Sheet
- Spring Hanger Data Sheet
- Pipe Bend Dimensions (Angle, Offset, and Special)
- Dimension Calculator, Metric & US Customary (mm, ft-inch-fraction, and decimal)
- Linear Interpolation - Example returns stress value after choice of material and temperature.
The above are all of the calculator files currently offered. Data files are not listed.