Revised February 4, 2025
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For Design of Metallic Piping, Tubing, and Pipelines

Get a set of calculators for piping design.

  1. Calculators per ASME B31.3-2024, Process Piping:
    1. Allowable Pressures and Leak Testing of Pipe & Tube
    2. Required Thicknesses of Pipe & Tube
    3. Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connections (two files):
      1. One file allows design of individual branches and can check for overlapping reinforcement zones.
      2. Another file has a table w/ up to 190 branches.
    4. Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Pipe Branch, para. 304.3.4
    5. Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Tapping Split Tee (Welded, Complete Encirclement)
    6. Pipe Bending Required Thickness and Allowable Pressure
    7. Mitered Elbow Required Thickness and Allowable Pressure
    8. Integrally Reinforced Branch Outlet Fitting (ref. MSS SP-97)
    9. Line Blanks, Line Spacers, Spectacle Blinds (Fig-8's), and Restricting Orifices.
    10. Properties of Piping Materials (Dimensions, stresses, Young's modulus, thermal expansion, weights, UNS numbers)
    11. Hydrostatic and Pneumatic Leak Testing, Dimensional Properties, and Testing Data Sheet
    12. Chapter IX High Pressure -- Allowable Pressures of Pipe & Tube
    13. Chapter IX High Pressure -- Required Thicknesses of Pipe & Tube
    14. Chapter IX High Pressure -- Extruded Outlets
  1. Calculators per ASME B31.1-2022, Power Piping:
    1. Allowable Pressures of Pipe & Tube
    2. Hydrostatic and Pneumatic Leak Test Pressures
    3. Required Thicknesses of Pipe & Tube
    4. Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connections (two files)
      1. One file allows design of individual branches and can check for overlapping reinforcement zones.
      2. Another file has a table w/ up to 190 branches.
    5. Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Pipe Branch
    6. Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Tapping Split Tee (Welded, Complete Encirclement)
    7. Pipe Bending Required Thickness and Allowable Pressure
    8. Mitered Elbow Required Thickness and Allowable Pressures
    9. Steam Safety Valve Installations (Discharge reactions, pressures, velocities, stress intensification factors)
    10. Properties of Piping Materials (Dimensions, stresses, Young's modulus, thermal expansion, weights, UNS numbers)
  1. Calculators per ASME B31.4-2022, Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries:
    1. Required Thicknesses of Pipe & Tube
    2. Allowable Pressures of Pipe & Tube
    3. Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connections (for Internal Pressures. Calculates 2 branches side-by-side, and reinforcement zones may overlap.)
    4. Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Pipe Branch
    5. Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Tapping Split Tee (Welded, Complete Encirclement)
    6. Integrally Reinforced Branch Outlet Fitting (ref. MSS SP-97)
    7. Pipe Bending Required Thickness and Allowable Pressure (ref. B31.3 method)
  1. Calculators per ASME B31.5-2019, Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components:
    1. Allowable Pressures of Pipe & Tube
    2. Required Thicknesses of Pipe & Tube
    3. Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connections (two files)
      1. One file allows design of individual branches and can check for overlapping reinforcement zones.
      2. Another file has a table w/ up to 190 branches.
    4. Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Pipe Branch
  1. Calculators per ASME B31.8-2022, Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems:
    1. Required Thicknesses of Pipe & Tube
    2. Allowable Pressures of Pipe & Tube
    3. Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connections --Types are: Unreinforced, Repad, Complete Encirclement, or Saddle (Angled 45 to 90-degrees. For internal pressures. Calculates 2 branches side-by-side, and reinforcement zones may overlap.)
    4. Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Pipeline Header or Tee (Calculates 2 branches side-by-side, and reinforcement zones may overlap.)
    5. Reinforcement of Extruded Outlet Tapping Split Tee (Welded, Complete Encirclement)
    6. Integrally Reinforced Branch Outlet Fitting (ref. MSS SP-97)
    7. Fracture Control and Arrest (Charpy Testing)
  1. Calculators per ASME B31.9-2020, Building Services Piping:
    1. Required Thicknesses of Pipe & Tube
    2. Allowable Pressures of Pipe & Tube
    3. Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connections --Types are: Unreinforced, Repad, Complete Encirclement, or Saddle (Angled 45 to 90-degrees. For internal pressures. Calculates 2 branches side-by-side, and reinforcement zones may overlap.)
  1. SIF Calculations per ASME B31J -2017, Stress Intensification Factors (i-Factors), Flexibility Factors (k-Factors), and Their Determination for Metallic Piping Components (with 11-9-2017 errata)
  1. Bonus Miscellaneous Non-Code:
    1. Support Span, Shoe Bearing, Pipe Weights (including refractory lined & plastic lined)
    2. Jacketed Pipe Weight and Data Calculations
    3. Jacketed Pipe Theoretical Column Buckling
    4. Theoretical External Collapsing Pressure (not per ASME)
    5. 3-D Offset and Triangle Dimension Calcs
    6. Expansion Joint Data Sheet
    7. Spring Hanger Data Sheet
    8. Pipe Bend Dimensions (Angle, Offset, and Special)
    9. Dimension Calculator, Metric & US Customary (mm, ft-inch-fraction, and decimal)
    10. Linear Interpolation - Example returns stress value after choice of material and temperature.
  The above are all of the calculator files currently offered. Data files are not listed.
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